Worship the Lord with gladness;
come before Him with joyful songs.
Psalm 100:2
The Worship of God is rooted in the traditions of God’s people and the uniqueness of each generation so that worship has always been an integral part of the life of God’s people and expressed in many appropriate forms. At MVWC, worshipping through music is an important first impression of our Sunday morning services. Music as worship not only points us toward the glory of God, but it also prepares the heart for prayer, the Word, and sacrament which encompass the whole act of worship for God’s people. Therefore, MVWC desires a music ministry that is excellent in performance and simplistic in presentation so that the song service encourages the movement of the heart toward the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Always keeping in mind that the job of the music is not to bring God’s people into the presence of God (only Jesus can do that); rather, the goal of music is to help the congregation learn who God is and to also express with their voices the praises of God, the longings of the soul, and the struggle of faith as an act of participatory worship. Our songs give voice to our theology, our prayers, our struggles, and our faith.